How to groom a Dachshund dog
Eager to learn the secrets of grooming a dachshund? These long, short-legged pooches are known for their distinctive appearance, but did you know that proper grooming is key to keeping them healthy and happy? We’ve listed everything you need to know to keep your dachshund looking dapper!

With the right tools and techniques, grooming your dachshunds can be a relatively straightforward process.
Step-by-step on grooming your Dachshund
Dachshunds are a breed of small dogs that are known for their long bodies and short legs. They come in three coat types:
- Smooth dachshunds
- Wirehaired dachshunds
- Long-haired dachshunds
Grooming requirements differ depending on the coat type, with long-haired dachshunds requiring the most attention – which we cover in our guide to Dachshund grooming below. Otherwise, find the written step-by-step guide below.
1. Brush your Dachshund regularly
Long-haired dachshunds require their fur to be brushed once or twice a week. This helps to remove tangles or mats and prevent matting from forming. Start at the head and work your way down, using a slicker brush or a pin brush to remove any loose fur.
Smooth-haired and wire-haired dachshunds require less grooming than long-haired dachshunds. You’ll find that less dirt attaches to their short hair as easily. Brush their coat to remove what is unneeded when necessary, with a soft-bristled brush.
2. Trim any mats
Long-haired Dachshunds are a little more tricky to trim, as they have a more delicate and complex coat that is prone to matting and tangles, which can be challenging to manage without regular brushing and trimming.
If you find any mats or tangles, use a pair of scissors to carefully trim the mats out.
Be careful not to cut your Dachshund’s skin, and work slowly and gently to avoid causing any discomfort or pain.
While wire-haired and smooth-haired Dachshunds require less grooming than their long-haired counterparts, it is still important to brush their coats regularly to remove any loose fur and any mats.
3. Bathe your Dachshund
Regardless of coat, bathe your Dachshund once every three months, or as needed, using a deep cleaning dog shampoo that is gentle on their skin and fur.
Rinse your dachshund with warm water, apply shampoo from the neck to the base of the tail and lather into the coat.
Rinse thoroughly and dry their coat with a towel or blow dryer on a low heat setting.
4. Trim the fur
Use a pair of scissors or clippers to trim your Dachshund’s fur, if necessary, to keep it at a manageable length and prevent tangles. Start at the head and work your way down, being very careful not to cut their skin. Long-haired dachshund’s coats have a tendency to become easily knotted and tangled if they aren’t regularly groomed.
When trimming the tail, special care is also needed to keep it looking great. The tail set is where the tail attaches to the rump, and some dogs have high tail sets while others have low ones. It’s important to groom the tail carefully, as it is a great place for picking up burrs, prickly stuff, mats, and tangles, especially if the tail fur is long.
5. Nail Maintenance
Trim your Dachshund’s nails once every two to three weeks, or as needed, using a pair of dog nail clippers or a nail grinder. Trim just the tips of the nails to avoid the quick, which is the sensitive part of the nail that contains blood vessels and nerves.
6. Clean their ears:
Clean your Dachshund’s ears once a week, or as needed, to remove any wax or debris and prevent infections. Use a cotton ball or cloth dampened with a gentle, pH-balanced solution made specifically for cleaning dogs’ ears.
If you prefer a visual guide on grooming your Dachshund, we’ve listed a helpful resource below.
How can I get my dachshund’s coat shiny?
As with many dogs, the secret to a shiny coat is often in the grooming and their eating habits. Ensuring that you use the correct shampoo and conditioner for your dog’s coat is going to keep it shiny for longer. Similarly, bad nutrition and diets can often become apparent through coat conditions, so it is important to ensure you don’t slip into bad habits regarding feeding time. Make sure that protein, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are present when you are purchasing dog food. Shampoo with natural ingredients will help your dog retain its natural oils and keep their coat looking sleek.
Throughout the grooming process, be gentle and take your time to make sure your Dachshund feels at ease. If you’re not confident in your grooming abilities, consider seeking the assistance of a professional groomer.
How should a Dachshund be groomed?
To groom a Dachshund, regular brushing and trimming are necessary to prevent matting and tangles and bathe them once every three months or as needed using a gentle dog shampoo. It’s also important to clean their ears and trim their nails regularly.
How often do Dachshunds need to be groomed?
The frequency of grooming a Dachshund depends on their coat type; long-haired dachshunds require more attention and should be brushed once or twice a week, while smooth-haired dachshunds require less grooming and brushing when necessary.
Is it OK to shave a long-haired Dachshund?
It’s not recommended to shave a long-haired Dachshund as it can damage their coat and put them at risk of sunburn and other skin issues. Regular grooming and trimming are the best way to manage their coat.
How do you dry a Dachshund after a bath?
After giving a Dachshund a bath, it’s best to use a towel or low-heat setting blow dryer to dry them thoroughly, paying extra attention to their ears and paws to prevent any moisture buildup that could lead to infections.
Throughout the grooming process, be gentle and take your time to make sure your Dachshund feels at ease. If you’re not confident in your grooming abilities, consider seeking the assistance of a professional groomer.
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